"Wants Nothing" Wanders

I've never been a person who hiked efficiently and directly from point A to Point B; I've always been a wanderer, starting and stopping, lifting up logs, watching birds and searching for mysteries. I find that most children are natural wanderers, too.

A friend of mine recently posted great info about "wants nothing time"–essential times of day where you want nothing from your child. You're simply being present with them and following their lead.

It is also important to have "wants nothing time" in the forest. Time to wander, discover, and be present with the natural world. I've had profound experiences, felt the most emotionally regulated, and made amazing discoveries on my wanders. Not to mention they've become invaluable for my mental health during these quarantine times.

The great thing is, you can combine "wants nothing time" with your child with "wants nothing wanders" in the woods, for double the magic. Let me know what you discover on your adventures!